The Staff of Feral Furies - Argent Tournament Reward

Bought the Argent Tournament's Staff of Feral Furies for my Tauren Druid today, despite the inevitable cries of "hunter weapon". The staff costs 25 champion's seals, so it only take 5 days of doing the champions quests to get the necessary amount. Not a bad tanking staff, could certainly have used some strength on the stats, but you can't have everything I guess. The debate is still raging on my server over which is better, this or the Titansteel Destroyer, but I think I will be sticking to my Titansteel Destroyer for general questing in Cat form. I'm really not sure the armour bonus is worth it since it got nerfed. Here are a couple of screenshots of The Staff of Feral Furies in all its huge glowing glory:


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